Friday, 6 January 2017

The backbone of development: Sujalaam develops robust infrastructure

Nobody can stand tall without a backbone and that applies as much to cities as it does to human beings. Sujalaam Skycity has always aimed to stand very, very tall in the India of tomorrow.
It is exemplified by the rigour with which its mother company, Bengal AerotropolisProjects Ltd, has undertaken infrastructure development within the project’s boundaries.
L&T, unquestionably a leader in their field, have undertaken much of the work and, thanks to superior knowhow, skill set and cutting-edge technology, has completed a huge chunk of it.
Among various aspects of the development, the necessity to build adequate road surface both within and out of the Skycity was deemed one of the most important tasks at hand. Around 25km of trunk roads and 15kms of neighborhood have been planned within the project area.
In the initial phase, construction of such roads will be limited to bituminous layer in two of four lanes, or development up to Wet Mix Macadam. The tentative length of such development is going to be about 14 and 9km, respectively.
The Skycity will also need adequate water once it starts running on all cylinders. Therefore, the approximate length of pipes of different diameter to be laid along the trunk and neighborhood roads for potable and recycled water is going to exceed 130km. The aerotropolis will receive water from the Durgapur Municipal Corporation (DMC), which will supply 4MGD during peak demand.
Pipes have already been laid up to the project battery and a pumping station will soon be commissioned. An overhead reservoir is also being constructed and a central reservoir will soon be built. The industrial and the institutional areas already have a steady supply of water from the Airport Network.
Sujalaam will have its own robust storm water drainage network, which will be around 60-km long. Around 30km of this network has already been completed. The trunk routes and neighbourhood areas would also call for a more than 30-km-long sewerage network, of which 14km is already under construction.
To charge up life and commerce at the futuristic township, massive electrical supply facilities would be imperative. Of the five 11kV substations that have been proposed, one has already been commissioned through India Power. Every facility that is up and running within the Skycity now get powered by this substation.
What’s more, a boundary wall is gradually replacing the Skycity’s erstwhile 6-km-long fence.
Also, 6 kilometer of cable has been laid up to the Airport Passenger Terminal Building. To highlight its importance, it would probably suffice to mention that the Reliance Jio service was launched here even before its experimental launch in the rest of the country! This service will be extended to other areas of the township, once subterranean infrastructure works are completed.
Sujalaam Skycity is rising higher and higher, because its backbone is getting stronger and stronger.