Science and technology has always been the influential factor in human life. It has been playing important roles in the human life from the very moment of its entrance in the latter. As a matter of fact, science and technology is the factor that is responsible for moulding the human life with several aspects. The impact of science can be understood vividly in the modern age if we care to turn our heads at what science has been benefitting us by its implementations. Constantly upgrading scientific methodologies are used to elevate the condition of the society. Technological applications have fished their place even in the personal couch of the sofa called life.
There are several ways by which science and technology invites development in the drawing room of our life. The thing is that the world now follows the pace of development in the carrier of science. Science is becoming a leading factor in the human world. Scientific methodologies also help one of the dominant cases of the modern world known as globalisation. This scientific advancement is also present in India. It is noticed when we look at the trials of Mr. Partha Ghosh, the MD of Bengal Aerotropolis Projects Limited.
With the inspiration of Mr. Partha Ghosh, BAPL has been successful in establishing Sujalaam skycity at Durgapur of West Bengal. Apart from that, the company has also made an airport at Andal of Burdwan. It is known as Kazi Nazrul Islam airport. It is a transformation of an air field used by the US Armed Air Force during World War II. This airport is also in West Bengal. The company is also pursuing its career at Ludhiana of Punjab.
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